Words from the Editor.
I have officially caught the blog epidemic. Seems like everyone owns a blog space somewhere in the world wide web nowadays. It's like being first introduced to cyber cafes, they suddenly appear all over your local spots like chicken pox and everyone of every level of society wants a piece of the action. But unlike cyber cafes, the phenomenon of blogging didn't 'just blow past' or 'died down'; no, blogging seems to be here to stay, it's a technological and psychological milestone, a blessing if u will.
However, I had a deep thought over this 'blessed' phenomenon, weighting it's pros and cons while munching down a calory heavy double cheeseburger. I have come to relize that since 99% of the populating will have or if not already own at least one if not more, a blog, heck no one will ever come in contact with anyone again. Think about it. In the old days, when we wondered what happened to a long lost friend or even wondered what our girlfriends were up to, we'd pick up the phone, dial their digits and gif them a buzz. A few years from there onwards, we'd sen and sms or mms. Now, we'd just logon to our Windows Vistas, launch IE version 1000 and type www.mygirlfriend.blogspot.com. I bet 10 years in the future, some IT lab rats would have come up with a device that plugged into the USB ports of our Pentium Quadrillion Core laptops that'd allow us to have sex via our blogs.......even if the other person is offline. My God, think of the possibility of a global orgy.
So in an attempt to not lose contact with the ever evolving world, I have then created Mojo Mojito. So why MojoM? Simply because mojito's my fav drink and it's special to me, hence mojo. And y use a nick? Cause this is cyberspace and no one is actually who they are in cyberspace. Frankly, the editor of this blog is Justin Timberlake...haha (kidding :P).
They way I see it, MojoM represents me but just in cyberspace. Just like Eminem and Slim Shady, the latter being the former's alternate personality in his music. MojoM will be my alternate personality, me area of release. my schizophrenic other half, my twin of the dark side if you will. As such I will now allow MojoM to take over and bid u farewell from the WWW for now.
:P change photo la...
:P change photo la...
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