Dream On
I believe that everyone should have, at least, a dream. It doesn't really matter if it's achievable or not; that just another matter all together, but everyone must/should have a dream. It's the one thing that can give the least bit of direction in our lives. It's something we should look forward to, our haven to retreat to when we're down on faith or hope. It's something that keeps up going. Realists might argue that if it's unachievable then there's no point in dreaming. Pessimists wont even dream at all. Critics say it's a waste of time. I say they're an unadventurous lot that spend their lives trying to 'get rich' and in the end, end up in their 70s driving their convertible Mercedes trying to catch back their lost youth. They'd probably die of a heart attack caused by the adrenaline rush driving past 40kmh. Ironically, it's their sons and daughters that get their moolah and it's their sons and daughters that blow all their hard earned assets buying condoms and financing abortions.So you see, if you have a dream, let say, you dreamt about being the next Micheal Schumacher, that dream somewhat defines your world and your personality, and being human, you're never satisfied with just dreaming. You strive to achieve it, to at least get a taste or a touch of it. So knowing that being an F1 driver is akin to producing diamonds when you shit, you settle for the next best thing; be a Ferrari driver. As such, the enigma of the dream will have you robbing a bank (just kidding!)....working your ass off saving up or ultimately renting a Ferrari. So unlike the critics, realists and losers, you get to drive a Ferrari before the age of 70.
So what's the difference driving a Ferrari now and when you're 70 you ask? As the chinese proverb conveniently puts it, sky and land comparison. For one, you'll be able to powerslide the car at demonic speeds in access of 180kmh and not worry bout rupturing a veterbre or slipping a disc. You definitely wont die of a heart attack and for all you care, you might be texting your mistress with one hand, cigar in another, your right feet on the steering wheel, your left trying to change the cd on the player and all this while your girlfriend is giving you a blowjob. Abit exaggerated yes, but you get the point. It really beats the purpose of having a car you cant drive, owning a house you can enjoy for long or marrying a hot wife you cant satisfy. Plus, there's always something alluring about driving an expensive car, owning a big house and having a hot wife during the age period when you're not expected to. Everything would seem so perfect. Now imagine a 70 year old in the picture and uh...the scene becomes so inappropriate to the point it's almost disgusting.
There is also something amazing about chasing dreams I have to stress about. You can blow all your savings, rob a bank and even disown your family chasing it or chasing the next best thing. But at the end of life, when you close your eyes for the last time and white flashes of your life's highlights goes by, you smile. There's no regrets and there is nothing wrong is chasing one's dream. Heck, it might be the only purpose in life that we're built for. Else why would we be having dreams? It's something embedded into us, like a pre-programmed microchip, something we cant erase. It can make us a happier person, a better person in fact, someone who seems 'successful'. And it will help save our children from being charity gigolos and impregnated sluts. We will live life without knowing the meaning of regret and we will never be disgusting old fags driving a red open top Merc or a yellow Rolls at 40kmh in the fast lane on Kesas. That is the same reason why I have new Yamaha acoustic guitar in my room and my Maybank account has 'donated' a hefty RM400 to the hospitable people at Yamaha Midvalley. So wat's my dream? Think Metallica, think Gun N Roses, think Marilyn Manson. Haha. What's yours?
No point to have a new guitar if u dun play us some nice songs.. so when r u going to do that??
play can...but dun ask me to sing. later hell breaks loose.
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